File diff 7a299c06cdba → 00557551d66e
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@@ -37,19 +37,22 @@ 4. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins a
5. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in MainMenuLib(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called MainMenuLib
>  **Plugins Directory Structure:** \Your_Directory\Plugins\MainMenuLib\"plugin files"

6. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in AdvancedSessions(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called AdvancedSessions
>  **Plugins Directory Structure:** \Your_Directory\Plugins\AdvancedSessions\"plugin files"

7. Execute cardinal.uproject and click _Yes_ to Recompile Project Modules.
8. Enable The Web Browser Plugin at Edit -> Plugins -> Widgets -> Web Browser
9. Navigate to the MainMenu Blueprints folder at \Cardinal\MainMenu\Blueprints
10. Insert your GameModes into Enum_GameModes, list your available map names to Enum_Maps, and set your server host's preferred maximum number of players to Enum_NumberOfPlayers using the supplied pattern. 
7. Navigate to \Your_Directory\Plugins and extract the files in LoadingScreen-master(newest-version).zip to the plugins directory into a folder called LoadingScreen-master
>  **Plugins Directory Structure:** \Your_Directory\Plugins\LoadingScreen-master\"plugin files"

8. Execute cardinal.uproject and click _Yes_ to Recompile Project Modules.
9. Enable The Web Browser Plugin at Edit -> Plugins -> Widgets -> Web Browser
10. Navigate to the MainMenu Blueprints folder at \Cardinal\MainMenu\Blueprints
11. Insert your GameModes into Enum_GameModes, list your available map names to Enum_Maps, and set your server host's preferred maximum number of players to Enum_NumberOfPlayers using the supplied pattern. 
For skipped number of player options, use the enumeration's integer. For the number of players option you'd like available, spell out the integer. 
For example: 0, 1, Three will make a server with a maximum of "Three Players." (Please note the game modes and player limits are not implemented in the actual project. This is up to the end user to implement.)
11. Enjoy :)
12. Enjoy :)
***NOTE: To utilize Steam you must launch as a "Standalone Game" or utilize a packaged build with Steam running.***

Known Bugs
**Bug:** Client Returning to "Main Menu" can't join another game.
@@ -91,12 +94,16 @@ The key binding system utilizes Rama’s UMG Rebindable Key System, Rebind keys at Runtime.

**Background Music by The Tune Peddler:**
The music used in this project is owned by The Tune Peddler. You do not have permission to use the project’s music without agreeing to the terms at The Tune Peddler’s website. (As of July 2016, this includes a $5 a month subscription fee.)

**LoadingScreen plugin by Nick Darnell:**
The LoadingScreen plugin was provided by Nick Darnell and was released under The MIT License. 

How To Donate
If we achieve nonprofit status, we will provide written (emailed) donor acknowledgment letters to those who donate $250 or more to our organization as required by the IRS. 
Our apologies to donors outside of the United States. We will not be able to provide you with any tax benefits for donating to our organization.